This text has been translated from the original license agreement which is in Russian. This program is protected by national laws and international copyright treaties. Exclusive right to use this program are those of the author / publisher. Program and its components can be used free of charge, without license fees for unlimited time. Commercial distribution is prohibited programs. (For the distribution of software is forbidden to take money.) The software is supplied "as is". The program may be included in the fee-based collections, placed at sites other than the site owner only with permission.LIMITATION OF WARRANTY
The program may contain bugs. The right holder shall not be liable for any errors the program. Holder does not warrant that the functions contained in this program will meet the stated requirements or that operation of the program will not be interrupted because of an error. The right holder knowingly waives all written statements and estimated default warranties, including the restrictions on the use of warranty after a certain period of time and date of sale. Under no circumstances shall the right holder shall not be liable to the user for any harm, physical or commercial done by the program, including lost profits, lost data, damage to reputation or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this program. Also, claims are not accepted at any other proprietary software user requirements.COPYRIGHT
All the exclusive copyrights to the program belong to the right holder. The program can not disassemble, change anything in it and supplement it with new features. If you are distributing the program must indicate the name of the owner, his contact information and website owner.CONTROL OVER COMPLIANCE
This license agreement is in accordance with national laws. All disputes are resolved by mutual agreement of the parties and if agreement is not reached, the courts of general jurisdiction.